Sunday, July 24, 2011

Exciting day!!

So I've really been working on adjusting myself to what is, and not try to adjust everything to my wants and desires, taking my luck as it comes and fitting myself to it.  I would be miserable here if I wasn't practicing resiliency and flexibility.  For instance, most mornings I wake up and the generator is down, so I've gotten used to showering in the dark with cold water and getting ready using my headlamp--its pretty funny!!  I have my routine down now though!
I obviously realized life would be different here and I wouldn't be able to do all the things I'm used to at home.  BUT Today, I was given such a gift--I found a new running buddy!!  Nelson, one of the logistics officers here at ARC mentioned the UN compound has some dirt roads which are safe to run on, so we went this morning.  He wants to get back into it, so he said he'll drive me and we can go a couple times a week!!  Oh, the little things in life that make me happy.  I'm so grateful here not to be distracted so I can appreciate these things!! 
Unfortunately I can't take pictures at the UN compound but the sites kept me entertained during the run, especially since my iPod was dead this morning (couldn't charge it without power!).  Lots of trucks moving around with UN workers, military.  A few animals here and there, a vulture and a bull just hanging out along the run.  I could see the mountains in the distance.  Soft dirt to run on is always nice instead of concrete.  I always love running in other cities and other countries--its always an interesting experience.  Now, I just have to find someone to play soccer with . . . maybe when I get to Wau next week!
Hope everyone's having a great weekend.  I got to skype with my parents, my sister Jackie and Martina and Liam yesterday which was such a treat.  Today, I hope to catch up with Danielle, who's doing her first triathlon today!! So looking forward to hearing about that!
Love Tara xoxo

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