Sunday, July 31, 2011

One more. . .

I just walked this morning to the ARC office from the guesthouse (where I'm staying now) so I can get some work done, use the internet.   As I walked along the dirt roads I passed many Ugandan and Sudanese men working in their shops and those waiting on their motorcycle taxis.  I forget that I look different but am quickly reminded by the stares as I walk pass.  The attention makes me uncomfortable and somewhat unsafe as I wonder what they think of me being there.  Just as I was passing a large group of men on motorcycles staring I heard, "When I see a white woman, I see the image of God."  Made me smile and laugh a bit

1 comment:

  1. (not martina) T-BONE I can't believe you have been gone for almost one month already. We went to Mel and Johns this weekend so that Liam could drive the boat..and he did..he also made friends with starsky and said you live in rio's house, and no bite rio. just so you know, i am writing this in duress because martina is sitting next to me as the sole member of the peanut gallery..kind of how she back seat drives..anyway..we thought of you at Mel's and how we wish you were there - reminding me that i hadn't looked at your blog...and now that i have glanced at it - martina didn't let me read everything by the way - we can wait to see you in another month because of the amazing time it seems you are having...i am glad you look soooooooo happy in the photos and are really making the impact on people you probably set out to make when you signed up for med school way back when....seriously, martina and i are thrilled you are having such a good time. I didn't realize my disciples - the man with 40 wives, more importantly 200 kids - roameth the earth over there. Oh, and in case you didn't know, hippos are dangerous so don't go trying to slide off one of their backs to learn how to swim - liam might want to try it...oh, last thing before martina closes the computer - liam wants you to know that the gator in johns bar area might bite chu!!!! we love you and miss you and can't wait to see you when you get back...raul and martina, subjects of liam.
