Wednesday, July 13, 2011


The Speke Hotel, Kampala

Lake Victoria
 I spent this week in Kampala Uganda at the Speke Hotel which is really lovely.  I have slowly been adjusting to the time change, while getting some work done, taking a few trips and most importantly making travel arrangements to Juba.  The airport is expected to be open this Friday for me to finally fly in to South Sudan.  Right now the airport has only been open to government officials, ambassadors, etc. due to the independence July 9. 

 On Monday I took a morning trip to Ngambe Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary which included a boat ride across Lake Victoria from Entebbe.  I was completely soaked getting off a wild boat ride which was reminiscent of a "red couch" experience I shared in Barbados with Martina and Raul.  On Ngambe Island, the chimpanzees are the main inhabitants and they were amazing!  They are in their natural habitat but due to food shortages the sanctuary was started to aide with their food supply.  They were pretty hilarious to watch play around.  After getting back from the boat, my new friend and driver Bukenya took me to a typical Ugandan restaurant for tilapia, amakote (mashed plantains) and collard greens!! 


Today I had planned to go to Bujagaji falls for rafting but unfortunately there is a new dam being constructed and rafting is not available until it is finished.  Still, Bukenya took me to Jinja where I was able to see the falls--which would have been RIDICULOUS to raft!! Couldn't decide if I was disappointed or glad, since they must have been at least class IV rapids.  From the falls we drove to the source of the Nile and took a small boat to see where Lake Victoria and a natural spring collide to start the Nile which hopefully you can see in the pictures.  
This week has been a wonderful introduction to Africa.  Uganda is known as the Pearl of Africa for all its natural beauty.  The weather has been such a pleasant change from Atlanta, I even need a light sweater in the morning!  The colors are so bright, hopefully you get an idea from the photos.  The colors and fauna remind me of Ecuador. . . both being on the equator but a lot less humid!! 
Hope everyone's well.  Looking forward to sharing South Sudan with you!!


  1. Amazing pictures Tara! Thank you for spending the time to post them and sharing your experience with us. It looks absolutely beautiful. Can't wait to see and read more! We love and miss you.

  2. I concur with your sister. Sweet photos.
